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Drive Sober PSA

By December 2, 2021No Comments
Drive Sober

Things seem to be getting back to normal. But you still can’t do that.

Smart Serve Ontario is proud to support the #RIDE program to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E) across Ontario. These programs remain an important part of creating a safer community by helping keep you and our roads safe.

Please always remember to plan for a safe ride home for yourself, your friends, and your guests.

We teamed up with arrive alive DRIVE SOBER, CRAFT CANADA and director Jonah Haber, to create a new public service announcement (PSA).

This video takes on a lighter, slightly more comedic tone to a very serious message. Impaired driving is 100% preventable and we hope that you will support and share this important message. Please drink responsibly.