This Facilitator Course Package is specifically designed for:
- Licensees
- Corporate Training (Learning & Development, Human Resources)
- Approved Training Centres
- Educational Institutions
Training materials are designed to be led / taught by an experienced leader in responsible alcohol service. This could include: managers, owners, faculty, or professional trainers. This is a great way to engage and learn together!
All Final Tests are completed online. As a Facilitator, you will be required to help participants/students register their own “Individual” online account at and provide them with a Test Token.
IMPORTANT: This package is not available to individuals. All Facilitators must be approved. Please contact us directly for more information.
What You Need To Know
Facilitator Course Package Includes:
- Downloadable Training Program
- Downloadable Job Aids (to learn from and share)
- Downloadable video transcripts
- Please allow about 4 hours for training
- Available in English and French
- Final Tests will be available in all 6 languages (English, French, Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, and Spanish)
- All fees are non-refundable
Participant Test Tokens:
- Test Tokens must be purchased separately from the Course Package
- Tokens will expire 30 days from purchase
- Tokens are required for participants/students to access the Final Test
- Once redeemed, the test can be taken the same day (or within 30 days of redemption)
- All Final Tests are proctored online and monitored for integrity
- All Smart Serve certificates are available in digital format (PDF) and confirmation of completion will be emailed to the participant/student
- Participants/Students can access their certificate (eCertificate) from their online account by clicking on “My Results”
Important: Participants/Students will be required to register for an Individual online account with As a Facilitator, you can help guide them through this process if required. A web camera will be required (computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) and all tests must be completed independently. As an organization you can choose to allow participants/students to complete their test at your facility or on their own.

Facilitator Course Package
Facilitators training materials & job aids
(Only available for approved Organizations)
$129.00 CAD

Final Test Token
(Only available for approved Organizations)
$44.95 CAD